Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Nashville

May 19, 2023

Image via Pixabay.

Even a Rolls-Royce can develop engine problems. Time can be unkind to engine components, and they can fail due to age. Components can also suffer damage through other problems in the engine. As your Rolls-Royce dealer in Nashville, TN, we have highly-trained technicians with up-to-date technology to repair any possible problem. These are some of the problems we can solve.

Colored Exhaust Smoke

An obvious sign of engine trouble is the change in the color of your car’s exhaust smoke. Normal exhaust smoke is light and wispy, and this makes a color change very easy to notice. Blue, black, and thick white smoke are all signs of trouble that must be fixed ASAP. Black exhaust smoke indicates that your catalytic converter has failed and is no longer converting dangerous engine chemicals.

Blue smoke is a sign of an oil leak into the exhaust system, and thick white smoke means your engine has a coolant leak. One of the main causes of these two leaks is damage to the head gasket. This is the most important seal in your engine, and it prevents these liquids from accessing other sections of your engine. Our technicians can easily repair this problem and prevent engine damage.

Worn Ignition Coils

A spark plug is connected to each engine cylinder, and these plugs provide the spark that ignites the fuel-air mixture in the cylinders. The plugs, however, only generate 12 volts which isn’t sufficient to ignite the compressed fuel-air mixture. Each plug is connected to an ignition coil, which provides a massive boost in power to 50,000 volts.

Ignition coils can wear out like any other component. A failed ignition coil will prevent its connected spark plug from igniting the cylinder contents. If this happens, your engine will misfire. Misfiring can lead to damage to the cylinder and its piston if the problem isn’t resolved. We can examine the coils and replace any damaged ones.

Jammed Thermostat

Your engine operates most effectively at a high temperature of between 185 F and 220 F. This level of heat can damage sensitive engine components, and your Rolls-Royce has a cooling system designed to control the engine temperature. When the heat level in the engine reaches a pre-determined point, liquid coolant is released to absorb the heat and remove it.

The coolant release is controlled by the thermostat. If this small valve jams, the coolant won’t be released and your engine temperature will rapidly increase. Our technicians will replace the damaged thermostat, and your engine temperature will return to normal.

Most problems in an engine can be swiftly repaired if they’re identified when they start. Call our service department today at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Nashville.